27 Feb 2019
Few things are as gratifying as when three major passions collide. I love books. I love stars. I love aloes. And yesterday was about all three.
I was born in Rhodesia (which became Zimbabwe in 1980) – imagine my delight when I was scratching around in a secondhand bookstore and I found this book…
What a great read it was wandering around my country of my youth with the authors in quest of the 30 species of aloes known (at the time) to occur in Rhodesia (of which four are endemic). And as for the 1960s and ’70s faded-looking photos and the watercolour illustrations… they were just great!
But above all was coming across this botanical treasure…
E.J. Bullock of Bulawayo discovered this species in 1965, growing on steep mountain rocks near Mnene Mission in then Rhodesia.
How did it get its name? Alas, not from Taurus the constellation but the Latin reference to E.J. Bullock’s name!
Actually, it wasn’t until I went to observe A Tauri last night that I discovered the Bayer designation A Tauri is shared by two stars in the constellation Taurus – A1 Tauri (37 Tauri) and A2 Tauri (39 Tauri)
RA 04 04 41.7 Dec +22 04 54 Mag 4.4
RA 04 05 20.2 Dec +22 00 32 Mag 5.9
What a lovely sight in the 10″ Dobs! A1 Tauri is a gorgeous bright orange star. A2 Tauri lies ~10′ SE and it is a pretty pale yellow star. A third star shares the field – mag 7.9 HD 284138, lying ~3′ N of A2 Tauri – and it is also a lovely shade of orange. The field is awash with stars… a very pretty stellar picture.
Copyright © Susan Young 2019