Sand and Stars

Jack Bennett Catalogue of Southern Comet-like Deep-sky Objects (1969 & 1974)

Comet Bennett, April 1970

23 August 2017

South African Jack Bennett (1914-1990) was an extremely skilled amateur astronomer and dedicated comet-hunter.

And on 28 December 1969, after 333 hours of searching,  he discovered his first comet – a 8.5 mag comet in Tucana  And what a comet it turned out to be!

Comet Bennett (C/1969 Y1) passed its perihelion on the following 20 March. During April 1970 it was a beautiful sight, similar to West’s comet six years later: Comet Bennett deployed a gas and dust tail of about 30 apparent degrees and it was so bright and beautiful that it was perfectly visible to the naked eye even when it was not completely dark. Observations revealed that comet’s head surrounded by a hydrogen cloud 13 million kilometres in diameter. 

Interestingly, observation of this comet was on the Apollo 13 lunar mission’s programme, but the explosion of one of its oxygen cylinders and the rescue operations that followed put paid to the scientific programme.

(Famed comet hunter Robert McNaught’s first comet observation was of Comet Bennett on 4 April 1970… he went on to discover 50 comets.)

Jack Bennett at the eyepiece of the 12-inch Pretoria Centre telescope. On the back of the original photo, Jack wrote with wry humour, “Pretoria Centre telescope, 1977, with antiquated observer”.

On 16 July 1968, while searching for comets, he discovered a mag 9 supernova in M83 (NGC 5236) in Hydra. (The last person to visually  to visually discover a supernova was in 1885.)

He discovered his second comet – 9 mag Comet Bennett 1974 XV – in the early hours of 13 November 1974  after another 482 hours of searching. 

Jack discovered his comets and the supernova with his favourite telescope – a 5 inch refractor (Apogee telescope) x21 power giving a field of view of a degree and a quarter, mounted on an altazimuth mounting. 

Bennett used the contents page of his copy of Norton’s Star Atlas (1954) to note down ‘comet-like objects’.

During his searches for comets, Bennett drew up two lists of southern objects that appeared comet-like in his telescope. He referred to them as “shades of Messier…” His first list (1969) was published four months before he discovered his first comet. The supplementary list (1974) was followed three months later by his second discovery. These two lists have been combined to form the Bennett Catalogue. 

The list contains some surprisingly bright objects, such as the Tarantula Nebula, Omega Centauri, 47 Tuc, the Sombrero and Silver Coin galaxies (along with 26 Messier objects.) Bennett noted that including such bright objects may be unnecessary, but added, “It is surprising how easily even these can be mistaken for comets when seen at low altitudes and poor conditions.” (And it cannot be denied that they certainly add some fabulous often-visited stellar bling when one is working one’s way through his catalogue in a dedicated observing programme!) 

Jack Bennett’s Catalogue of Southern Comet-like Deep-sky Objects 

NameOther designationRight AscensionDeclinationCon
Ben 1NGC 5500 14 54-39 11Scl
Ben 2NGC 10400 24 06-72 05Tuc
Ben 3NGC 24700 47 06-20 46Cet
Ben 4NGC 25300 47 36-25 17Scl
Ben 5NGC 28800 52 48-26 35Scl
Ben 6NGC 30000 54 54-37 41Scl
Ben 7NGC 36201 03 12-70 51Tuc
Ben 8NGC 61301 34 18-29 25Scl
Ben 9NGC 106802 42 42-00 01Cet
Ben 10NGC 109702 46 18-30 17For
Ben 10aNGC 123203 09 48-20 35Eri
Ben 11NGC 126103 12 18-55 13Hor
Ben 12NGC 129103 17 18-41 08Eri
Ben 13NGC 131303 18 18-66 30Ret
Ben 14NGC 131603 22 42-37 12For
Ben 14aNGC 135003 31 06-33 38For
Ben 15NGC 136003 33 18-25 51For
Ben 16NGC 136503 33 36-36 08For
Ben 17NGC 138003 36 30-34 59For
Ben 18NGC 138703 37 00-35 31For
Ben 19NGC 139903 38 30-35 27For
Ben 19aNGC 139803 38 54-26 20For
Ben 20NGC 140403 38 54-35 35Eri
Ben 21NGC 143303 42 00-47 13Hor
Ben 21aNGC 151204 03 54-43 21Hor
Ben 22NGC 153504 14 12-12 44Eri
Ben 23NGC 154904 15 42-55 36Dor
Ben 24NGC 155304 16 12-55 47Dor
Ben 25NGC 156604 20 00-54 56Dor
Ben 25aNGC 161704 31 42-54 36Dor
Ben 26NGC 167204 45 42-59 15Dor
Ben 27NGC 176304 56 48-66 24Dor
Ben 28NGC 178304 58 54-66 00Dor
Ben 29NGC 179205 05 12-37 59Col
Ben 30NGC 181805 04 12-66 24Dor
Ben 31NGC 180805 07 42-37 31Col
Ben 32NGC 185105 14 06-40 03Col
Ben 33NGC 186605 13 30-65 28Dor
Ben 34NGC 190405 24 30-24 33Lep
Ben 35NGC 207005 38 36-69 05Dor
Ben 36NGC 221406 12 48-68 16Dor
Ben 36aNGC 224306 29 48-31 17CMa
Ben 37NGC 229806 49 00-36 00Pup
Ben 37aNGC 246707 52 36-26 23Pup
Ben 38NGC 248907 56 12-30 04Pup
Ben 39NGC 250608 12 00-10 47Mon
Ben 40NGC 262708 37 18-29 57Pyx
Ben 40aNGC 267108 46 12-41 53Vel
Ben 41NGC 280809 12 00-64 52Car
Ben 41aNGC 297209 40 18-50 20Vel
Ben 41bNGC 299709 45 36-31 11Ant
Ben 42NGC 311510 05 12-07 43Sex
Ben 43NGC 313210 07 00-40 26Vel
Ben 44NGC 320110 17 36-46 25Vel
Ben 45NGC 324210 24 48-18 38Hya
Ben 46NGC 362111 18 18-32 49Hya
Ben 47Cl Mel 10511 19 39-63 30Car
Ben 48NGC 396011 50 52-55 41Cen
Ben 49NGC 392311 51 00-28 48Hya
Ben 50NGC 437212 25 48-72 40Mus
Ben 51NGC 459012 39 30-26 45Hya
Ben 52NGC 459412 40 00-11 37Vir
Ben 53NGC 469712 48 36-05 48Vir
Ben 54NGC 469912 49 00-08 40Vir
Ben 55NGC 475312 52 24-01 12Vir
Ben 56NGC 483312 59 36-70 53Mus
Ben 57NGC 494513 05 24-49 28Cen
Ben 58NGC 497613 08 36-49 30Cen
Ben 59NGC 506113 18 06-26 50Hya
Ben 59aNGC 506813 18 54-21 02Vir
Ben 60NGC 512813 25 30-43 01Cen
Ben 61NGC 513913 26 48-47 29Cen
Ben 62NGC 518913 33 30-65 59Mus
Ben 63NGC 523613 37 00-29 52Hya
Ben 63aNGC 525313 39 54-31 39Cen
Ben 64NGC 528613 46 24-51 22Cen
Ben 65NGC 561714 29 48-60 43Cen
Ben 66NGC 563414 29 36-05 59Vir
Ben 67NGC 582415 04 00-33 04Lup
Ben 68NGC 589715 17 24-21 01Lib
Ben 69NGC 592715 28 00-50 40Lup
Ben 70NGC 598615 46 06-37 47Lup
Ben 71NGC 599915 52 12-56 28Nor
Ben 72NGC 600515 55 48-57 26Nor
Ben 72aCl Trumpler 2316 01 30-53 32Nor
Ben 73NGC 609316 17 00-22 59Sco
Ben 74NGC 610116 25 48-72 12Aps
Ben 75NGC 612116 23 36-26 32Sco
Ben 76NGC 613416 27 42-49 09Nor
Ben 77NGC 614416 27 18-26 02Sco
Ben 78NGC 613916 27 42-38 51Sco
Ben 79NGC 617116 32 30-13 03Oph
Ben 79aNGC 616716 34 24-49 36Nor
Ben 79bNGC 619216 40 18-43 22Sco
Ben 80NGC 621816 47 12-01 57Oph
Ben 81NGC 621616 49 24-44 44Sco
Ben 82NGC 623516 53 24-22 11Oph
Ben 83NGC 625416 57 06-04 06Oph
Ben 84NGC 625316 59 06-52 43Ara
Ben 85NGC 626617 01 12-30 07Oph
Ben 86NGC 627317 02 36-26 16Oph
Ben 87NGC 628417 04 30-24 46Oph
Ben 88NGC 628717 05 12-22 42Oph
Ben 89NGC 629317 10 12-26 35Oph
Ben 90NGC 630417 14 30-29 28Oph
Ben 91NGC 631617 16 36-28 08Oph
Ben 91aNGC 631817 17 48-39 27Sco
Ben 92NGC 633317 19 12-18 31Oph
Ben 93NGC 635617 23 36-17 49Oph
Ben 94NGC 635217 25 30-48 25Ara
Ben 95NGC 636217 31 54-67 03Ara
Ben 96NGC 638817 36 18-44 44Sco
Ben 97NGC 640217 37 36-03 15Oph
Ben 98NGC 639717 40 42-53 40Ara
Ben 98aNGC 644017 48 54-20 22Sgr
Ben 98bNGC 644517 49 12-20 01Sgr
Ben 99NGC 644117 50 12-37 03Sco
Ben 100NGC 649617 59 00-44 16CrA
Ben 101NGC 652218 03 36-30 02Sgr
Ben 102NGC 652818 04 48-30 03Sgr
Ben 103NGC 654418 07 18-25 00Sgr
Ben 104NGC 654118 08 00-43 42CrA
Ben 105NGC 655318 09 18-25 54Sgr
Ben 106NGC 656918 13 36-31 50Sgr
Ben 107NGC 658418 18 36-52 13Tel
Ben 107aNGC 660318 18 24-18 25Sgr
Ben 108NGC 661818 20 48-16 11Sgr
Ben 109NGC 662418 23 42-30 22Sgr
Ben 110NGC 662618 24 30-24 52Sgr
Ben 111NGC 663818 30 54-25 30Sgr
Ben 112NGC 663718 31 24-32 21Sgr
Ben 112aNGC 664218 31 54-23 29Sgr
Ben 113NGC 665218 35 48-32 59Sgr
Ben 114NGC 665618 36 24-23 54Sgr
Ben 115NGC 668118 43 12-32 18Sgr
Ben 116NGC 670518 51 06-06 16Sct
Ben 117NGC 671218 53 06-08 42Sct
Ben 118NGC 671518 55 06-30 29Sgr
Ben 119NGC 672318 59 36-36 38Sgr
Ben 120NGC 674419 09 48-63 51Pav
Ben 121NGC 675219 10 54-59 59Pav
Ben 122NGC 680919 40 00-30 58Sgr
Ben 123NGC 681819 44 00-14 09Sgr
Ben 124NGC 686420 06 06-21 55Sgr
Ben 125NGC 698120 53 30-12 32Aqr
Ben 126NGC 700921 04 12-11 22Aqr
Ben 127NGC 708921 33 30-00 49Aqr
Ben 128NGC 709921 40 24-23 11Cap
Ben 129NGC 729322 29 36-20 48Aqr
Ben 129aNGC 741022 55 00-39 40Gru
Ben 129bIC 145922 57 00-36 28Gru
Ben 130NGC 779323 57 48-32 35Gru